Regulatory Software & Services

Master Data Management
UDI-Unique Device Identifier Regulatory Services

On September 24, 2013, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) announced the new requirement to identify medical devices that affect its safe and effective use through the use of UDI.

Medical Device manufacturer companies have to create and maintain the Unique Device Identifier (UDI) which is specific to a device model, and a production identifier, which includes the current production information for that specific device, such as the lot or batch number, the serial number and/or expiration date.

UDI will be a unique numeric or alphanumeric code consisting of two parts, DI – identifies the labeler and the specific version or model of the device and PI – variable portion of UDI which is combination of lot/batch number, serial number etc.

Master Data Management

Transitions to UDI Program

In order to handle your evolving UDI Challenge, setting up a strategic UDI program as well as implementing a flexible and extensible framework capable of handling multiple agencies will be unavoidable on your journey to global UDI compliance.

Before setting up your UDI program, several strategic considerations must be made:

  • Optimize your process accurately to capture data, review your inventory management processes
  • Automation can help manual data entry and reduce errors and costs
  • Establish and educate a cross functional team
  • Educate stakeholders within the company about the benefits of UDI is essential to realize its full potential.
  • Consider engaging Supply Chain, Sales IT, Operations, and Clinicians will help facilitate this change.

Transitions to UDI Program

Services provided by our professional staff:

  • Gap assessments for UDI compliance, looking at your device and label.
  • UDI training and project management:starting with a workshop, we will help your staff get up to speed on the required process, documentation, and technology changes.
  • Help you implement UDI processes into your quality management system and production operations.
  • Identifying the right accredited UDI agencies.
  • Ensuring UDI data is formatted correctly for submitting to GUDID and later, EUDAMED
  • Guidance on supply chain management and validation to support UDI implementation.
  • Maintain your data related to UDI in the future.


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